This week we are writing historical fiction stories. Students choose a European expedition to the New World. After reading, they create a fictional character to either place in the expedition as a European, or to be a member of a real Native American Indian tribe that came in contact with that expedition. Students include elements of the Columbian Exchange as well as create a story line for their character.
First, students read about the Columbian Exchange, then collect and categorize good and bad things traded between Europeans and Native Americans. These items might include plants, animals, technology, disease, ideas, etc.
Reading for the Columbian Exchange can be found here:
Use the benefits and drawbacks sheet to collect information about the Columbian Exchange:
The second step is for students to choose a European expedition from our study last week.
The third step is to create a character page. A picture of the character is drawn, personal background information about the character should be included. Two statements must be completed on this page:
1) My main character wants _____________________ more than anything else in the world.
2) My main character wants to avoid ___________________ more than anything else in the world.
The fourth and final step is to actually write the historical fiction story.
The benefits and drawbacks sheet; the character page; and the story are due on Friday.