The Constitution

The Constitution
The Constitution

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Test Friday

Review Games
Java Games
Rags to Riches

The following items will be on the test Friday:
The French and Indian War
sugar act
stamp act
townshend act
tea act
proclamation of 1763
navigation acts
writs of assistance
quartering act
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress
Battles of Lexington and Concord
The Shot Heard Round the World
"No taxation without representation"
Sons of Liberty

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Brain Pop!

When finished with the research assignment, go to Brain Pop.  You must log in
username:  fairfieldsfuture
password:  brainpop

Watch the film, complete both of the quizzes, complete the activities.

You must show me that you completed the quizzes and activities successfully.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes (and some other stuff too!)

Our job at this point is to research causes of the American Revolution.  Using Google docs, you and a partner will research the following:

Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Townshend Acts
Tea Act

For each of the above, you should answer the following questions:
1)  What was taxed?
2)  Who was affected by the tax?
3)  Why did the colonists protest the tax?
4)  In what ways did the colonists protest the tax?

After researching taxes, answer this question in your document:  
"Was the American Revolution justified?"  Based on the taxes above, do you think the colonists had a good reason for rebelling and overthrowing Great Britain?

Research each of the following laws and events (not taxes), and answer the questions that follow:
Proclamation of 1763 (law)
The Navigation Acts (law)
Writs of assistance (law)
Quartering Act of 1765 (law)
The Boston Massacre (event)
The Boston Tea Party (event)
The Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) (law)

Questions for laws:
1)  Description of law
2)  What was the purpose of law?
3)  Why did the colonists protest the law?
4)  In what ways did the colonists protest the law?

Questions for events:
1)  Describe the event
2)  What caused the event?
3)  How did Parliament react to the event?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Review for Test

Test will be on Wednesday.  It will cover everything from Prince Henry of Portugal to the 13 English Colonies.
To review for the test play the following games:
Colonial Battleship
English Colonies Hangman
Jamestown millionaire
Plymouth Battleship
Columbus Java Games
Thirteen Colonies Java Games

Items on the test:
Prince Henry the Navigator
Christopher Columbus
Vasco da Gama
King Henry VIII
Protestant Reformation
Northwest Passage
John Smith
John Rolfe
Virginia Company of London
joint-stock company
Plymouth Colony
Jamestown settlement
Roanoke Island
Powhatan Indians
The Mayflower
The Mayflower Compact
Pre-Columbian Native Americans
William Penn/Pennsylvania/Quakers
Roger Williams
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
The Starving Time
town meetings
Bible: used to teach reading in the NE Colonies

If finished studying for the test, you should play the following U.S.A. state geography games:
Cartographer Plus
Explorer Plus
Master Geographer