First: read the information about Columbus
Second: play the rags to riches game- If you win a million dollars, show me! If not, play until you win.
Third: play the Christopher Columbus Game. Once you have played the game and have taken the quiz at the end, print your certificate with your name on it. Give it to me.
Watch Columbus videos Create a T-Chart with hero in one column and villain in the other. As you watch, take notes. After watching the videos, continue researching online.
Next, write an essay that is at least 5 paragraphs long, to answer the question: "Was Columbus a hero, or a villain?"
Remember, when you make a statement about Columbus, you must back it up with facts and details. Not only that, but when you write facts and details- you must prove that it really happened! In other words, find primary sources that support your claims. These can easily be found by searching for journals of Columbus, letters from Columbus, letters about Columbus, etc. Use quotations from the sources you find in your essay. Keep in mind, when you include a quote to prove your point, you must explain to the reader how it relates to your argument.
A little help: use the outline to help you write the essay, it will help keep you on track!