The Constitution

The Constitution
The Constitution

Monday, February 27, 2017

The War of 1812

Today you will begin creating a presentation for the War of 1812

Your presentation should cover the following topics:  (these are not in order- your presentation should be in chronological order)

The Battle of Lake Erie
The Battle of New Orleans
The Burning of Washington D.C.
The Declaration of War
The Hartford Convention
The Treaty of Ghent
The Star Spangled Banner (Battle of Ft. McHenry)
James Madison

Your presentation should include primary documents for each of these events.

Primary Documents

You may use any presentation tool that you wish to use (Google Slides, Prezi, etc.)

How to get an 'A' on this assignment

Simple example of a presentation that uses primary sources

Another example in a different style

Below is an example of a slide I made for you in class.

Your presentation is due on Friday

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Life during the Industrial Revolution

Click on the link for Thursday and Friday assignment:  Life during the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution Web Quest

Today, you will be completing an Industrial Revolution Web quest.  Click here to copy the Google Doc to your account, complete the webquest, and share with me:  Webquest

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Industrial Revolution

Today, we begin our study of the Industrial Revolution.  If you were in class today, you received a hand-out of inventions to identify.  If not, click on the following link to get a Google Doc:
The Industrial Revolution Assignment

Make sure you share it with me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Louisiana Purchase Map

Today we will create a map of the United States as it appeared in 1803.  The map should contain each of the following:

1) Label the states that existed at the time of the purchase.
2) Color the Louisiana Territory (create a map legend).
3) Label the river that marks the eastern boundary of the Louisiana Territory.
4) Label the following rivers:
5) Label Pike's Peak
6) Label New Orleans
7) Draw and label route taken by Louis and Clark
8) Label: Atlantic Ocean; Pacific Ocean; Gulf of Mexico
9) Color Oregon Territory (use map legend)
10) Color U.S. Territories (use map legend)

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Louisiana Purchase

The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France in October 1803 doubled the size of the United States and foreshadowed its emergence as a global power. The purchase marked an unprecedented use of executive power by President Thomas Jefferson and evoked strong resistance from Federalists. In this lesson, a timeline of the purchase along with letters by Federalist leaders help you to decide whether practical concerns or political agendas motivated the opposition.
You will all be answering questions today from the assignment- however, there are four groups of you that need different types of questions.  Click on the link color that I assign in class to go to the proper Google Doc.  Copy the document, answer the questions, then share with me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Is President Trump's "Travel Ban" Constitutional?

Click on the following link to complete the assignment and share with me:
President Trump's Travel Ban.



The 9th Federal District Court has ruled on the Travel Ban.  Click on the following link to watch a video about the decision and read the article that follows:  9th Federal District Court Decision

Today, students received a worksheet on the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.  If you were absent, you will have to get this when you return to school, complete it, and turn in.

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Presidency of George Washington

Today you will be learning about some of the important events that occurred during the presidency of George Washington.

Go to the following link to start the lesson: Google Doc Questions

You will need to answer questions and share with me.

Poster Assignment:
Create a poster that supports or opposes the actions of George Washington during one of the following events:

-The Neutrality Proclamation
-Jay's Treaty
-Pinckney's Treaty
-The Whiskey Rebellion

Your poster should:
-Either support the action or oppose the action taken by George Washington.
-Include details about the event.
-Attempt to persuade person viewing the poster that the handling of event was good or bad.
-Be colorful and neat.
-Turned in on Wednesday, February 8th (along with the Google Doc questions).