In this lesson, you will explore the question “Does Alexander Hamilton deserve to be on the $10 bill?” In the introductory activity, we will look at US paper currency and identify which of the featured individuals served as President of the United States. In the learning activity, you will explore video segments from the PBS program Rediscovering Alexander Hamilton to learn about Hamilton’s contributions to the United States and his role during George Washington’s presidency. In the culminating activity, you will write an article, poem, song, speech or story about Alexander Hamilton. When determining what you should write about Hamilton, think about the five W's (who, what, where, when, and why). You may do this on a Google Doc to share with me, make a presentation using your favorite technological tool, or simply use notebook paper and turn it into the box for your class period. This assignment is due by Monday at the end of the day.
To help find information about Alexander Hamilton, go to the following links:
Alexander Hamilton: The Man Who Made Modern America
Alexander Hamilton and the Creation of the United States
This site will ask you for a username and password.
Username: Munford
Password: Munford2014
If you need to watch the videos again for ideas, you can find the first here:
Introducing Alexander Hamilton
The second video can be found here:
Alexander Hamilton and George Washington
All finished with the assignment? Try this activity just for fun:
Design Your Own Bill
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