The Constitution

The Constitution
The Constitution

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

For Crown or Glory

Today you will play an online simulation called "For Crown or Glory".  While playing this game you will become an apprentice and learn about some of the problems that caused the American Revolution.  Click on the following link to register and play the game.
For Crown or Glory

Multi-media Project

Monday, November 12, 2012

Why Government?

Today you will explore the question "why Government?".  By illustrating and sorting captions, you will follow the development of John Locke's theory on natural rights. Then you will become familiar with Thomas Hobbes’ statement about life in a state of nature by exploring your own opinions in comparison to those of Hobbes. Finally, you will learn the vocabulary associated with the philosophy of the purpose of government through an activity called “word math.”

                                                                                                               John Locke

Thomas Hobbes

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day is Finally Here!!!

Today you may play Win the White House.  If you win, print certificate, get 5pts. extra-credit
Win the White House

Go to Scholastic Magazine and play any game or watch any video:
Scholastic Magazine

Monday, November 5, 2012

Presidential Election Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will vote for President of the United States of America.  Candidates on the ballot will be:
Republican Party:  Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan
Democratic Party:  Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Constitution Party:  Virgil Goode/ Jim Clymer
Iowa Green Party:  Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala
Libertarian Party:  Gary Johnson/ James P. Gray
Party for Socialism and Liberation:  Gloria LaRiva/Stefanie Beacham
Socialist Workers Party:  James Harris/Alyson Kennedy
Nominated by Petition:  Jerry Litzel/Jim Litzel

If you have decided you are not comfortable voting for either of the Republican or Democratic candidates, you should take a look at the 3rd party nominees above.

Still not sure which party represents your interests best?  Try this site which includes 3rd parties:

Also, if you click on the following link you can watch a debate concerning key issues and 3rd party candidates:  video/news 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Win the White House

Today, thanks to an organization called iCivics, you will have the opportunity to run for President in a simulation game.  In the game, you will pick issues that are important to you, participate in primaries, debates, fundraising, make speeches, make political ads, and campaign in states that you believe will help you Win the White House. 

Step one:  go to the iCivics site
Step two:  register (don't worry, no private information is shared).  You may play the game w/o registering if you would rather, but it will not save your game!
Step three:  play Win the White House
Click on this link to play the game:  Win the White House

It will take about 3 days to complete the game.  Your aim is to win enough electoral votes to become President.  There are 538 electoral college votes, a candidate must win at least 270 to become President of the United States.

If you win the election, print the certificate and turn in for extra-credit points!

If you play the game and do not receive the score you want, you may play again (and again, and again, and again, etc.)  to try for a better score.  We will only have the laptops through Wednesday of next week, but remember, the game is online and you can play when ever and where ever you like.  If you win at home, print out the certificate of achievement to give to me in class.

Have Fun!