The Constitution

The Constitution
The Constitution

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Indian Hills Survey and John Smith

Today, you will spend a few minutes taking the Indian Hills student interest survey.  We will take a trip to Indian Hills Community College in a few weeks to explore occupations.  Click on the following link and complete the survey before doing anything else.      Indian Hills survey

Now that you are finished, click on the following link to learn about Captain John Smith:
On the trail with John Smith

Monday, September 23, 2013

Jamestown Adventure

Today you will pley a game called Jamestown Adventure.  To play, click on the following link:  Jamestown Adventure

As you play, you will be filling out a packet to explain why you made certain decisions, the consequences of the decisions, and what the Jamestown settlers actually did.  Have fun!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Scavenger Hunt!

Explore information about famous explorers!  click on the following link to play:    Scavenger Hunt
when you have all the correct answers, raise your hand to show me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Great Exchange

When you have finished with the "Rags to Riches" game (and have won $1,000,000)  you may click on the following link to play a new game:  Merchants of the Great Exchange

Play several times to see how successful you can be as a merchant!

When through playing, watch this National Geographic video about the Columbian Exchange.

The Columbian Exchange

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Christopher Columbus

     When it comes to European Explorers, Christopher Columbus is a giant.  However, during his lifetime and even up to the 20th century, he was not given much credit for discovering the "New World".   Instead, that honor was given to Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian map maker who first realized the land was new and named it for himself.
     Today, we give credit to Columbus because his discovery truly led to the European colonization of North and South America.

Today, you will be playing some games and reading about Christopher Columbus.  Click on the following link to play:

Christopher Columbus

When you have finished playing rags to riches and have won the $1,000,000 prize (check's in the mail),
you can watch the following video at

The real story of Christopher Columbus

If you have time, there will be many videos about Columbus that automatically play after the one above, go ahead and watch a few, I think you will find that they are very interesting.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Student Survey

Click on the following link to take the   Student Survey