The Constitution

The Constitution
The Constitution

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What did Lincoln do to save the Union?

Answer the following questions on a Google Document, then share with me.

A. First Inaugural Address (March 4, 1861) By the time Lincoln delivered his first inaugural address seven southern states had already seceded. He seemed to direct his speech toward these southern secessionists.

1. What does Lincoln say about secession in the first paragraph of the excerpt?
2. According to Lincoln, who will be responsible for starting the war?
3. According to Lincoln, what is his role as President in the conflict?
4. What is Lincoln asking for in the last paragraph of the reading?

B. Suspension of Habeas Corpus (April 27, 1861) Many of Lincoln's actions were unpopular and some were even unconstitutional. The first reading is a letter sent to General Winfield Scott giving the general and his officers the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. The second reading is an historical account of the reaction to Lincoln's action.

1. Define habeas corpus.
2. Under what two conditions has Lincoln authorized the suspension of habeas corpus?
3. What does Lincoln mean by the reference to "the enemy in the rear?"
4. How does he defend his suspension of habeas corpus?
5. For what reasons does Chief Justice Taney criticize Lincoln's actions?
6. What is Lincoln's reply to Taney?

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