The Constitution

The Constitution
The Constitution

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reconstruction Webquest

  Find a partner, copy questions to a Google Doc, answer the  questions , share with me

I. Policies Regarding Reconstruction

A. Describe Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction of the

B. What opposition did he face?
C. What happened to Lincoln?

D. In what way was Johnson’s plan for
     reconstruction different 
from Lincoln’s?

E. How did the Radical Republicans respond to Johnson’s policies?

F. What reason did Congress give for impeaching Johnson?

II. Struggles of the Freedmen
htubman.gif (8378 bytes)A. Once the slaves were free, what were some of the problems faced (read "Condition of the Former Slaves.")?

B. What were the Black Codes?

C. What were the Jim Crow Laws?

D. Give some examples.

E. Why was the first Ku Klux Klan formed?

F. In what ways did the members frighten and abuse African Americans?



III. Amendments 13, 14, and 15

A.  What was the purpose of the 15th amendment?
B.  What groups of people are excluded from the 15th amendment

 C. Using geography and political affiliations tell who
      was most in favor of the 13th Amendment. 


D. Describe one of the earliest attempts to abolish slavery and explain why it was unsuccessful.

 E. How did the 14th Amendment attempt to guarantee the freedoms of African Americans?

F. Why was the 14th Amendment unsuccessful in guaranteeing equal rights to
    African Americans born in the United States?


IV.   Segregation

A.  Describe the circumstances behind Plessy v.  Ferguson

B. What was the court’s decision? 
Plessy v Ferguson 

C. What Supreme Court decision reversed Plessy V. Ferguson? 
Court case 

D. What did the court say about the concept of "separate but equal?"

Discussion Question:
Is it possible to legislate equality?  Use at least 2 examples from your study of Reconstruction in your answer.

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