The Constitution

The Constitution
The Constitution

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Iowa Caucus

Today is the first contest of the Presidential new year- and it just happens to take place in the great state of Iowa!  This year every state in the Union will hold a contest to see who will win the nomination for the presidential candidate of the Republican Party.  Barack Obama will run unopposed for the Democratic Party.
Today we will look at the Iowa caucus- how it works, its importance to our state, and whether or not Iowa is representative of the rest of the nation.
Go to the following link to read University of Iowa Professor Bloom's article about Iowa, then write a response in letter form:
Professor Bloom's Article

Go to the following link to watch CNN coverage of the Iowa Caucus
Iowa Caucus

Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich
Ron Paul
Rick Santorum
Rick Perry
Michele Bachmann
Jon Huntsman

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